Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a technology that mimics human learning and judgement to optimise and automate complex processes.

What is artificial intelligence and what role will it play in 2024?

Artificial intelligence is a technology that allows computers and machines to mimic human decision making to get the job done faster and more efficiently.

In 2024, it will be widely used in a variety of sectors to save time and increase productivity. Artificial intelligence will help businesses grow by providing better ways to analyse data and improve customer service.

It also helps to optimise production processes and improve product development, making companies more flexible and resilient to market changes.

How will artificial intelligence benefit business?

Artificial intelligence offers businesses a number of benefits, including:

• Improving efficiency - AI can automate routine tasks, freeing up staff to do more valuable work. This can reduce costs and improve productivity.

• Better decisions - AI can analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and trends that humans may not notice. This can help companies make better decisions about products, services, and marketing strategies.

• Creating new products and services - The artificial branch can be used to create new products and services that were not possible before. This can give companies a competitive edge and open up new markets.

• Improving the customer experience - Artificial Intelligence can be used to personalize and improve customer service. This can lead to a more satisfied customer and increase loyalty.

Industry-specific examples

Industries where AI can be of great benefit


Automates customer service and personalises the shopping experience, increasing sales and customer satisfaction.


Personalises curricula and assessments, supporting learners' individual needs and promoting their development.

Real estate

Optimises asset management and improves customer experience through virtual tours and market analysis

Automotive industry

Customers will be able to use chatbots to book slots, order spare parts and ask simple questions.


Optimising advertising campaigns and predicting customer behaviour for better results.

Legal offices

Use artificial intelligence-based systems to speed up legal research and document review.

Book an AI consultation for your business



Tallinn, Eesti

Zenex Innovations OÜ

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